WFLF and Saving America’s Horses applauds the Senate leadership and Appropriations Committee for their continued ‘defunding’ support and is especially grateful to Sen. Tom Udall and the co-sponsors of the amendment which prevents horses slaughter, Sens. Lindsey Graham, Dianne Feinstein, Jack Reed, Christopher Coons, Susan Collins and Jeanne Shaheen. The Udall-Graham Amendment, introduced by Sens. Tom Udall (D-NM) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), was passed in the full committee by a bipartisan vote and will effectively continue a ban on the gruesome horse slaughter industry on U.S. soil.
Protection is however still needed for America's horses from the exportation across federal borders where they continue to face gruesome slaughter every day. And the Senate has yet to vote on the BLM/ DOI appropriations proposal regarding the killing and sale of Mustangs and burros - which will take place toward the end of summer.
You can make a difference by raising awareness and compassion about why wild and domestic horses and burros need protection and the reasons are many.
Let us be compassionate in our quest to seek compassion from others, especially those who lead our country - our nation of horses and burros are counting on us. They need us more than ever - we are their voice, and they must be heard.
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