Every day we work with dozens rescue horses and burros that have nowhere to go were it not for Wild For Life Foundation’s (WFLF) Equine Rescue and Sanctuary program. Good Samaritans, volunteers and caring community members have made it their mission to support our nonprofit organization’s efforts to rescue and save these animals from unspeakable cruelty and life threatening danger. WFLF is a purely volunteer-driven organization, which means we have limited resources to do the work we do. When the animals arrive at our doors, most have suffered and are in need of immediate medical care, and although our vets work at negotiated rates, some of our animals require extensive
medical care. Other absolute costs include primary care, shelter and quality hoof care.
Yet hay and feed costs are the highest core expense, and as you may know, horses and burros really love their hay!
Equine rescue and sanctuary programming is extremely costly to operate and funding is limited. We know there are a lot of other ways that you can choose to invest your money, but when you choose to support our lifesaving mission you're helping to make the continued protection and quality care of these precious animals possible, and the animals we serve thank you.
WFLF's documented track record and financials demonstrate our long standing and impeccable record of high quality animal care, transparency, efficiency and compliance. Our all volunteer animal rescue and caretaker team work around the clock, 7 days a week to serve the needs of these rescue animals. Our administrative staff are also volunteers. These time tested best practices have enabled us to run our programs at an average efficiency of about 97%.
We are more than grateful to our faithful board of directors who have dedicated their lives to our mission, and the many volunteer rescue helpers and supporters who love these animals as much as we do and who have also contributed and given their time freely as often as they can. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
We implement a strict no-breeding policy and strive to sustain operations through charitable fundraising and successful placement of adoptable animals into new loving homes. These management strategies have enabled us to steadily expand over the years, from saving just a few animals annually to more than one hundred during peak years and in times of equine crisis.
We currently care and provide for an average of 25 -30 rescue horses and burros and need to raise about $8,000 each month just to operate. (learn more) Animal care and shelter costs are absolute and ongoing for the life of the animals we serve. Every contribution makes an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Click now to make a gift online, by mail, or text to give.

Another way to help is through pledging monthly support. Monthly giving is the easiest and most effective way to support this lifesaving mission. Our monthly donors help assure a consistent, reliable income stream that allows us to tackle whatever case may come through our doors.
You can also make a difference by sharing information about our charity with your friends and family.
As always we thank you from the bottom of our hearts – we are truly humbled by the love we've received and your continued vote of confidence in the work that we do.
Much Love – Yours for the horses,
Katia Louise, volunteer director
Wild For Life Foundation
PS - From now through the end of the year, when you make a gift of $15 or more online, you will receive a beautiful photograph and personal profile of one of the horses whose lives are being transformed by your kind and compassionate donation.
Wild For Life Foundation is a fully active and compliant 501(c)3 nonprofit charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic horses and burros through rescue, sanctuary and education. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. EIN 26-3052458

We are more than grateful to our faithful board of directors who have dedicated their lives to our mission, and the many volunteer rescue helpers and supporters who love these animals as much as we do and who have also contributed and given their time freely as often as they can. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
We implement a strict no-breeding policy and strive to sustain operations through charitable fundraising and successful placement of adoptable animals into new loving homes. These management strategies have enabled us to steadily expand over the years, from saving just a few animals annually to more than one hundred during peak years and in times of equine crisis.
We currently care and provide for an average of 25 -30 rescue horses and burros and need to raise about $8,000 each month just to operate. (learn more) Animal care and shelter costs are absolute and ongoing for the life of the animals we serve. Every contribution makes an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Click now to make a gift online, by mail, or text to give.

Another way to help is through pledging monthly support. Monthly giving is the easiest and most effective way to support this lifesaving mission. Our monthly donors help assure a consistent, reliable income stream that allows us to tackle whatever case may come through our doors.
You can also make a difference by sharing information about our charity with your friends and family.
As always we thank you from the bottom of our hearts – we are truly humbled by the love we've received and your continued vote of confidence in the work that we do.
Much Love – Yours for the horses,
Katia Louise, volunteer director
Wild For Life Foundation
PS - From now through the end of the year, when you make a gift of $15 or more online, you will receive a beautiful photograph and personal profile of one of the horses whose lives are being transformed by your kind and compassionate donation.
Wild For Life Foundation is a fully active and compliant 501(c)3 nonprofit charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic horses and burros through rescue, sanctuary and education. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. EIN 26-3052458