Saturday, October 20, 2018

Make a Difference by Helping to Save Lives Today

These photos were just recently taken during turn-out at Wild For Life Foundation's sanctuary   We hope you enjoy and appreciate viewing and sharing them as much as these horses appreciate your continued support. 

Donations for rescued Wild and Domestic HORSES and BURROS saved from slaughter, roundups, and other life threatening situations and forms of cruelty are needed to keep them healthy and safe.

These animals depend 100% on your donations to survive. 

Click now to help horses & burros in need today 

This is Daisy, she's a 32 yr old registered quarter horse that was rescued from the brink of death. She's just one of the many senior equines living out her life at Wild For Life Foundation's sanctuary where every life matters.
Every dollar goes to helping horses in need. No amount is too small.

Wild for Life foundation (WFLF) vigorously works to save, protect and preserve abused, neglected, displaced and slaughter bound wild and domestic equines, and educate to raise compassion and improve the standards of their protection.  

WFLF accepts equines of all breeds, ages, genders and disciplines.  WFLF also works in conjunction with county animal services and offers lifesaving rescue and sanctuary services for equines who've been impounded at crowded county kill shelters. 

WFLF promotes the protection and preservation of wild horses and burros on public lands through outreach and education.  WFLF's educational and advocacy programming serves to expose and resolve the inhumane practices and other questionable activities promoted by  U.S. government agencies and special interest groups which threaten the safety, welfare and future of wild equines in the wild.

WFLF's all volunteer staff works around the clock on these issues, but no part of WFLF's work to help animals would be possible without continued support.

Click here to give now 

Thank you for helping and supporting this important cause!

The Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF) is a Federally registered fully active and compliant 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty since 2008. 

Charitable Giving: WFLF’s tax identification number is 26-3052458. Contributions to WFLF are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law

Learn more:

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