Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Their future is our future

This little baby foal, just weeks old, was orphaned and left to die after being chased down in a
roundup. Her mother was shipped to slaughter that same day. This little foal collapsed shortly after she was rescued. Her body shut down from the trauma. She was rushed to the nearest veterinary hospital where she clung to dear life for 17 days before she finally recovered enough to be released. She is seen here in her hospital room with a loving young visitor. The actual death count from the number of horses that shipped to slaughter as a result of that roundup series rose to over 2,000; countless others disappeared as kill trucks loaded with torchered & terrified horses continued to ship across federal borders underground. This orphan foal is one of dozens whose lives were saved through a grassroots collaboration of charity rescue services - one of many successful lifesaving missions under WFLF.

This is MorningStar. She grew up in WFLF's volunteer driven sanctuary and is thriving today, thanks to the continued support of caring people who never once gave up on her or the countless other victimized wild and domestic horses and burros who rely 100% on charity to survive. Her inspirational story of loss, betrayal and survival through love and healing serves as a testament for the need to end this total injustice and utter suffering caused by roundups, and unspeakable slaughter, and the profound understanding of how saving their lives is in truth at the core of the future we share in this world together. Their future is our future. Please join us as we stand as one with the horse nation.

There are many ways to take part - from volunteering at a local rescue, to supporting the boots-on-the ground groups who work in the trenches and save the lives of individual horses and burros, to supporting the groups that advocate for stronger laws that are needed to end these practices and protect these animals, to supporting the powerful outreach and educational campaigns that can help raise the public outcry and action needed for change.
Take the first step by sharing this message far and wide. Be the change you want to see in the world. Make your voice heard. Click to watch and share compelling sound bite videos filled with facts, get information about pending legislation and connect with others in this movement. Aho!