Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Wink and Nod - Help Save the Devil's Garden Wild Horses from Slaughter

Captured Devil's Garden Wild Horses remain at risk of slaughter despite warnings from the California Attorney General Becerra for the USDA and the US Forest Service to comply with California's Penal Code § 598c which PROHIBITS the slaughter of California horses.

Horses over the age of 7 years old that are not placed through adoption or sanctuary will be offered for sale, and even if the Forest Service complies by limiting their sale to prohibit slaughter,  the sad truth is that the kill buyers will still come for them and with a wink and a nod, these horses can disappear never to be seen again.

CLICK to help save Devil's Garden horses.  Your donation to the Official Fiscal Sponsor for the DG Horses will help with transport and other placement costs.

CLICK to join the "Save the DG 300" cause on Facebook.

Saving America's Horses is helping to support the cause to SAVE THE DG 300 by raising awareness and promoting donations directly to the Official Fiscal sponsor, Eastern Sierra Equine Rescue aka Amador County Equine Sanctuary.

Educate and Raise Awareness
Click here to Get Facts, and Contact Info to help Raise Awareness

Click here to Join the Saving America's Horses United Stand Against Slaughter and Roundups

America's wild horse and burro population is under an escalated direct threat of the U.S.D.A, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the Department of Interior (DOI), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).  All of these agencies have demonstrated aggressive pro-slaughter agendas, although many activities have been hidden from the public. Make no mistake - these agencies operate in tandem and are at the root of the proslaughter movement.


Currently, the Modoc Forest Service is CHASING DOWN and TRAPPING 1000 California DEVIL'S GARDEN PLATEAU WILD HORSES with the intention to sell many horses without limitation, enabling buyers to purchase up to 36 horses for as little as one dollar each.

On Friday Nov 9, 2018 California Attorney General Becerra issued a WARNING to the USDA and the US Forest Service in Wash. DC, and both CA Forest Service Districts, to COMPLY with California Penal Code § 598c which PROHIBITS the slaughter of horses. Attorney General Becerra's warning comes within a few weeks of Saving America's Horses Global Call to Action to Stop the Slaughter of California's Wild Horses.

But the fight is far from over for California's horses and burros who are continuously shipped underground to slaughter almost every day, despite California's Penal Code § 598c.  Violating this law is a felony that carries a prison sentence of up to three years. Cal. Pen. Code § 598c(c). However, in the absence of federal protection, over 100,000 American horses are shipped across federal borders to slaughter plants in Mexico and Canada each year.

In May 2018, the DOI ordered the BLM to empty out wild horse and holding corrals by selling 25 horses at a time with no questions asked to any buyer. Despite a prohibition on such cruelty by the Interior Appropriations Committee, the Interior Secretary has mandated that the horses must be sold. As pointed out by AG Becerra, this is a reversal of U.S. previous policy of following restrictions on the sale of wild horses that Congress regularly imposes on the federal Bureau of Land Management. Under these Congressional restrictions, wild horses cannot be sold for processing into commercial products, including food."

Watch and Share these Powerful Video Alerts from Saving America's Horses
Human Health Risks 
A Nation Betrayed
Wild Horse Trafficking Exposed
Don't Be Duped

CLICK HERE to learn more about the issue of horse slaughter and its impact on people, the environment and America's wild and domestic horses, at Saving America's Horses

Saving America's Horses is a program under the Wild For Life Foundation, a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic horses and burros through rescue, sanctuary and educational.  EIN 26-3052458